Jay Baer is the New York Times best-selling author of seven books

"An important mix of deep & wide research, helpful customer advocacy stories, mnemonic constructs to help you remember the salient points, and an easy to read writing style that won't put you to sleep.”
J.N. Hora

"This book is simply fantastic. From the very beginning you are provided useful information that you can put into action."

“It blew my mind. Rich in detail with examples from both B2B and B2C, the six steps Jay gives serve as a highly useful compass for capturing the attention of your audience and compelling them to take action.”
Greg Elwell

The Time to Win
2/3 of customers care as much about speed as they do about price.
If you give your customers time, they will give you money. If you cost your customers time, it will cost you money.
In this groundbreaking mini-book (takes just one hour to read), Jay Baer demonstrates why speed is now the most important component of customer experience.
And, his 6-piece framework illustrates precisely how to gain and keep more customers using speed and responsiveness. See why people say it’s the “most useful small book ever published”!
Just $9.95 on Amazon, or $4.99 on Kindle

Talk Triggers
How do you get your customers telling your story?
Talk Triggers: The Complete Guide to Creating Customers With Word of Mouth.
Published by Penguin Portfolio, Talk Triggers is the complete blueprint for growing a business by giving customers a memorable story to tell.
Also the first business book with alpacas on the cover!

Hug Your Haters
How to handle negativity in a right now, always-on world?
Hug Your Haters: How to Embrace Complaints and Keep Your Customers is the first book on customer service disruption, and is one of the best-selling customer service books, globally.
Named one of 2016’s top 3 business books by Strategy : Business Magazine.

Jay’s book Youtility: Why Smart Marketing is About Help not Hype is a New York Times and Amazon best seller.
Published by Penguin Portfolio, Youtility helped redefine content marketing and digital marketing for modern business.
The Youtility keynote presentation is a powerful mix of inspiration and practical, real-world examples.

Youtility for Real Estate
Co-written with digital marketing expert Erica Campbell Byrum from Homes.com and ForRent.com, Youtility for Real Estate: Why Smart Real Estate Professionals are Helping not Selling takes the core premise of Youtility – making your marketing so useful, people would pay for it – and shows how it works for the real estate business.

Youtility for Accountants
Co-written with best-selling author Darren Root, Youtility for Accountants: Why Smart Accountants are Helping not Selling takes the core premise of Youtility – making your marketing so useful, people would pay for it – and gives it an accountants-only twist.

The Now Revolution
What is social media’s impact on business, and how must companies change to survive and thrive in this fast-paced, hyper-competitive world?
This is the topic of The NOW Revolution: 7 Shifts to Make Your Business Faster, Smarter and More Social from Jay Baer and Amber Naslund.
Published by Wiley.